Adjectives (Opposites) flashcards

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Printable flash cards illustrating Adjectives (Opposites)
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Opposites Vocabulary. Enrich your English vocabulary with opposites, with these sets of printable flashcards, accompanied by pictures.
Adjectives 4 flashcards Adjectives flashcards showing ancient, modern, good, bad, awful, delicious, sour, sweet, hot. These sets are useful for students to learn and build opposite adjectives vocabulary. Look at the pictures and study the opposite adjectives. Make sentences with each word based on these images.
Adjectives 5 flashcards Flash card picturing adjectives like cold, sick, healthy, deep, shallow, poor, wealthy, brave, coward. You can print the flashcards, cut them out and laminate them. You can play lots of games with them. Children usually love the opposites, especially if they are learned by means of funny games.
Adjectives 1 flashcards Flashcard illustrating adjectives like strong, weak, slow, fast, heavy, light, empty, full, big
Adjectives 2 flashcards Adjectives flashcards showing small, beautiful, ugly, tall, short, close, dirty, clean, far
Adjectives 3 flashcards Flash card picturing adjectives like young, old, thin, soft, hard, fat, long, short