Jack and the Beanstalk
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Jack and the Beanstalk 5While Jack was standing looking at the castle, a very beautiful woman came out of the wood, and advanced towards him. Jack made her a bow.
"If you please, ma'am," said he, "is this your house?"
"No," said the lady. "Listen, and I will tell you the story of that castle:"
Once upon a time there was a noble knight, who lived in this castle, which is on the borders of fairyland. He had a fair and beloved wife and a lovely little boy. He had many treasures and a monstrous giant, who lived at no great distance, resolved to obtain possession of them so he killed him one night while he was sleeping. Happily for her, the lady had gone with her infant son to visit her old nurse, who lived in the valley.
The lady heard what had happened and she decided to remain at her nurse's house as the best place of concealment.
Years rolled on. The old nurse died, leaving her cottage to her poor lady, who dwelt in it, working as a peasant for her daily bread.
Jack, that poor lady is your mother. This castle was once your father's, and must again be yours.
Jack uttered a cry of surprise. "My mother! Oh, madam, what ought I to do? My poor father! My dear mother!"
"Your duty requires you to win it back for your mother. But the task is a very difficult one, Jack. Have you courage to undertake it?"
"I fear nothing when I am doing right," said Jack.
"Then," said the lady, you must get into the castle, and if possible possess yourself of a hen that lays golden eggs, and a harp that talks. Remember, all that giant possesses is really yours." As she ceased speaking, the lady of the red hat suddenly disappeared, and of course Jack knew she was a fairy.