Actions (Verbs) flashcards

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Printable flash cards illustrating Actions (Verbs)
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A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being. Learn and study the most frequently used English vocabulary verbs used in speaking through pictures. You can use this pictionaries to play different games with your students that will help them master all the concepts better.Here you have 8 sets of flashcards with lots of actions to practice in your class with your students. You can print the flashcards and have them laminated for long term use. We also have a video with action verbs accompanied by beautiful animated images, so that students should better comprehend the meaning of the words. To see our phrasal verbs flashcards, go to Phrasal Verbs. For Irregular Verbs , see Irregular Verbs
Actions 5 flashcards Actions flashcards showing drop, pick up, work, cuddle, dream, wake up, ride a bike, fight, swim.
Actions 6 flashcards Flash card picturing actions like clap, close your eyes, open your eyes, crawl, build, feed the animal, hug, caress, dig.
Actions 7 flashcards Flashcard illustrating actions like sink, float, take away, grow up, fall, help, kick, knock, ask.
Actions 8 flashcards Actions flashcards showing leave, arrive, drive, hide, celebrate, cover, carry, break, pay.
Actions 1 flashcards Flash card picturing actions like walk, run, play, sleep, read, write, jump, ride, talk.
Actions 2 flashcards Flashcard illustrating actions like cry, laugh, climb, cook, wait, watch tv, dance, fight, fly.
Actions 3 flashcards Actions flashcards showing drink, eat, listen, open, close, throw away, turn on, turn off, sing
Actions 4 flashcards Actions flashcards showing pull, push, think, win, give, wash, sit down, stand up, cut